Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Do's and Don'ts Before Downsizing or Liquidating an Estate

Do’s and Don’ts Before An Estate Sale

• DO NOT, DO NOT throw anything away. Even if you think that old Hershey’s chocolate box holding dad’s nails in the garage is nothing but rubbish, LEAVE IT BE!!! You would be surprised at how many times we’ve had a buyer come looking for a specific item only to be told by the owner that it had been thrown out. Please do not clean or throw out anything. We are professionals and know what buyers are looking for as well as how to best clean and present the items to potential buyers.
• Do NOT sell anything prior to the estate sale or have your own yard sale without first consulting with an appraiser. We are professionals and know which items are valuable and which are not. We can liquidate the entire contents of the home quickly and efficiently without the emotional strain placed on the owners/family.
• Do NOT sell piece-meal to dealers. When doing this it allows the best pieces to go before the sale opens leaving the less desirable objects behind. This will deter buyers from even looking.
• Do Cover the property with insurance.
• Do tell friends and family about the sale and the dates available for shopping. If two or more family members want the same item leave it in the sale. The family member that wants it the most will purchase it from the sale and eliminate all of the fighting.

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