Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Friendship Albums, A Tribute To Everyday Women

As I mentioned earlier this month March is National Women's History Month. I've been remiss in writing because I got distracted in researching.

I'm going to share with you today a small sampling of women's friendship albums. These albums are little tributes to the women who lived everyday lives in the 19th century. These were generally not poor women but were middle to upper class women who had simple educations and a little leisure time.

These albums bring to life the bonds shared by friends, expressions of love, sympathy and support to one another. The albums are decorated with art done by women and include paintings, weaving of hair and ribbons as well as poetry and flowers. These books don't necessarily record events of historical importance but the simple events important to these women such as marriages, births, deaths and a glimpse into the everyday life of a woman.

Oftentimes these books would be purchased to document years in school and would continue through the young married years, other times the books would continue for decades. These albums are truly treasures. Please enjoy the sampling and let me know if you have any of your own.

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