Friday, March 9, 2012

A Passion for the Pretty

March is Women's History Month and a big part of women's history includes handcrafts. For the rest of the month I'm going to share with you some samples of beautiful art created by women. Some of the items were created with practical purposes in mind others were created for gifts, friendship and still others for the sheer pleasure of creating.

I've recently had the pleasure of discovering that tatting, something I believed was a dying art is actually alive and well. Tatting is a technique to make lace. It is a beautiful handmade product that can be used on anything that you would normally use lace on. It can also be used by itself for doilies.

I'd like to introduce you to a reader and tatter.....

Ninetta Caruso. Ninetta says "I've been tatting for about 20 years, and I usually do it every day, even a little. I love every type of handmade lace." The following photos are samples of Ninetta's work and I'm sure you will agree she is a talented artist with a Passion for the Pretty. Ninetta says she seldom keeps her work and gives most of it away to friends and relatives and she finds it enjoyable to create new patterns. For more information about this talented artist and to view larger photos of her work please visit.
Thank you Ninetta for your time and talent.

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