Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring Fever

Well, it is official I have Spring Fever. I can't focus on a single subject long enough to write a sentence let alone a blog article. I've started four in the past week....Kachina Dolls, Antique Jewelry, Historical tidbits and then.....I started another on Victorian handcrafts when I got that creative tingle where I must create but don't know what. (You know!) Well, I'd love to blame this lack of focus on the beautiful weather here on the California coast but the truth is...I'm a gemini and I'm always easily distracted (Oh Look something shiny!) but this past week has been even worse.

So, here's what's coming in the next few days. I am hereby in BLACK & WHITE committing to completing the aforementioned articles. Check in tomorrow as I will be telling you all about Kachina Dolls which aren't actually, just dolls.

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